maanantai 8. lokakuuta 2018

Sukupuolierot suurempia tasa-arvoisemmissa maissa, osa 2

Vastikään kirjoitin, että sukupuolierot ovat suurempia tasa-arvoisemmissa maissa/kulttuureissa. Seikka sai lisävahvistusta tuoreessa artikkelissa, tällä kertaa fyysisen aggressiivisuuden suhteen. Tiivistelmä on seuraavanlainen (korostus lisätty):

A great deal of research shows that adolescent and adult males are more likely to engage in physical aggression and violence than females are. However, few studies have examined crosscultural variation in sex differences, particularly among lowand middleincome countries [LMICs]. Based on social role and sexual selection theories, we derived two hypotheses regarding possible variations in sex differences across societal contexts: 1) sex differences increase with societal gender polarization (social role theory) and 2) sex differences are exacerbated in societies where socioeconomic opportunities are scarce, unequal, or insecure (prediction derived from sexual selection theory). The current study examined the prevalence of and variation in sex differences in physical aggression, as measured by frequent fighting, among 247,909 adolescents in 63 lowand middleincome countries. The results show that, overall, males were over twice as likely (OR=2.68; 95% CI=2.60–2.76) to report frequent fighting in the past 12 months than females. However, sex differences vary significantly across LMICs, wherein countries with higher female prevalence rates have smaller sex differences in frequent fighting.Contrary to expectations derived from social role theory, sex differences in physical aggression decrease as societal gender inequality increased. In regards to sexual selection theory, we find no evidence that sex differences in frequent fighting varies according to societal rule of law or income inequality.

Lisäys 19.10.2018:

Uusi tutkimus tuo lisävahvistusta. Tässä tiivistelmä (korostus lisätty):

Preferences concerning time, risk, and social interactions systematically shape human behavior and contribute to differential economic and social outcomes between women and men. We present a global investigation of gender differences in six fundamental preferences. Our data consist of measures of willingness to take risks, patience, altruism, positive and negative reciprocity, and trust for 80,000 individuals in 76 representative country samples. Gender differences in preferences were positively related to economic development and gender equality. This finding suggests that greater availability of and gender-equal access to material and social resources favor the manifestation of gender-differentiated preferences across countries.

Olen kiinnostunut kuulemaan, miten suomalaiset feministit selittävät näitä havaintoja. (Twitterissä eräs jenkki kirjoitti, että sukupuolierojen korostuminen tasa-arvoisemmissa maissa on liberaaleille sama kuin ilmastonmuutos konservatiiveille.)