Carol Tavris pohtii uudessa Skeptic –lehdessä myyttiä hullusta nerosta. Onko neroiksi
tai luoviksi luokitelluilla ihmisillä muita useammin mielen tai
persoonallisuuden häiriöitä? Kaksi otetta artikkelista:
...psychological studies have shown again and again that, however much we want to romanticize genius, it is typified by qualities that are disappointingly opposite of psychotic: self-discipline, tenacity, organization, calmness, and strong self-image.
There is no specific personality type associated with outstanding creativity. Creative people are not necessarily childish and erratic in human relationships, as is often thought, nor are they necessarily extraordinarily egotistic or rebellious or eccentric. Only one characteristic was present in all creative people: motivation. They want to be creative, and are willing to put consistent effort into that goal. This may be the craziest thing about them. By definition, they want to do things differently.
Nerouden takaa näyttää siis löytyvän kovaa työtä, harjoittelua,
motivaatiota, opettelua, sinnikkyyttä. Me kateelliset tavikset emme toisin
sanoen voi lohduttautua sillä, että ”no, minä ainakaan en ole hullu”.